I’ve been a little quiet over here lately. Partly, I needed a rest from it all, just feeling I needed a time out (yes, moms can give themselves time outs) . Party, because life is a little crazy right now or as the pic so awesomely states above it’s cray cray. We have some changes going on here and I feel the need and responsibility to be most available to my family at this time. We are all good, no worries. More on the changes at another time. But until life slows down a bit this blog will be a little chill. I’ll be popping in and out, here and there and hopefully sooner than later I will be back in action on a regular basis.
Until then…clear eyes, full hearts.
Name what show that comes from and you get 2 points and a virtual high five from me.
Friday Night Lights!!! BEST show ever
Boom! You got it! 2 points and high fives all around!