last night we played outside as a family for over 2 hours. we played catch with the football with new neighbor friends. we took a bike ride. the girls played in the backyard in their little house. brian and i walked around our yard talking about what we would like to do in the future with our yard. the weather was warm, we had shorts on and we were having fun. and all of sudden it hit me as i stood back and watched the rest of my family. this is it! this is what God had in store for us. this is what we had prayed for. what i doubted would ever come at times. this is what he was holding out for. He knew exactly what He was going to give us in time and here it is.
right now.
of course if we would have known what was waiting for us it would have made the process we started oh so long ago that much easier. but we would have missed out on so much. like growing in our steadfastness and security in Him. His faithfulness. His promises. our patience and trust in Him.
so once again i’m overcome with thankfulness. reminded His timing is perfect. and challenged to keep believing in His goodness and great love for me.