intelligent funny, more like hilarious sensitive extrovert good dancer sillylots of energy amazing memory protective loves Jesus imaginative loves scooter ride with Daddy good baker
Daddy’s little clone Mommy’s little dude good eater good question asker thinker loves his night-night he takes to bed has to have snuggle time before bed prays for particular people each night kind learning how to ride his bike without training wheels can ride a razor like nobody’s business can a throw a ball with better accuracy than his mom
can almost dress himself brave strong
talks, talks, talks inquisitive jokester thoughtful of others
43 lbs. likes to eat: spaghetti steak cheeseburgers
coke doughnuts blueberries water graham crackers with PB and honey PB & Jelly quesdilla OJ
Chipoltle guacomole mint chocolate chip icecream gummies likes to play: T-ball soccer skateboard swim Ironman “rock band” legos school tickle time with Daddy wrestle with Daddy In his own words… What’s your favorite color: black
What’s your favorite food: cheeseburgers
What do you want to be when you grow up: race car driver
Who’s your best friend: Katie
What do you want to learn now that you are 4: learn about the world
What’s your favorite thing to do with Daddy: scooter rides with him
What’s your favorite thing to do with Mommy: go on bike rides
What are you most excited to learn in school: excited to learn about Jesus
Why do you love Jesus: He conquered the grave
What do you love about Kaia: she shares her toys with me
What do you love about Theia: she’s funny
Mason we love you just the way you are. You stretch us, challenge us, make us laugh and cry and make us love you more and more each day!
We are so thankful we have you as our son!
Happy 4th Birthday little man!
love, mommy & daddy