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our spot.

Does your family have a spot or room in your house where most everything happens? the central location of all that’s going on most happens _______ (fill in the blank). Well we do. It’s funny because when we first looked at our house this is the space that caused most confusion in our heads because […]

5 on friday.

1. A while ago I recovered a lamp using fabric a dear friend brought back from Tokyo. I love the fabric and the friend who gave it to me. So even if my recovering job isn’t the greatest (which it’s not) the lamp has a new special meaning to me. I got the idea from […]

happy rainbows here is the link to the rainbow shirts i made the girls for easter. i am happy to say my picky little divas have worn them a couple of times.  proof in pic below. somehow my little to none sewing skills made the cut into their highly classified wardrobe. one just never knows. if […]

lots o’ love.

a little mothers day recap for you… our plans to go to ohio to be with my family, specifically my momma changed last minute due to me being sick. normally i’m all in for traveling, even for a quick 24 hour trip like this would have been. but when my body gave me a loud […]

thankful thurdsay.

these pretty little violets that cover our front yard 2 little girls that love to pick them friends coming over for dinner opportunities to serve at our new church to be able to spend mothers day with my mom a husband that is willing to make a quick trip to ohio to make that happen […]

we are in it together.

last week brian was out of town. i’m pleased to say that overall my week went really well with the kids. but that doesn’t mean we ALL weren’t ready to see daddy when he came home. even though the week went well we seemed to have had more than usual talks about obedience. you know […]

i’m loving…

some things i’m loving right now… matching tooties my toms the color green every where…it’s my fave:) added some color to our mantel watching mase play baseball new friends yummy homemade snacks new music to me: matt & kim…awesome family dance music my 5:30am cross training class… gets me going every morning watching survivor online […]