life as a mom
comments 14

just hold on.

Thunderstorm darkness

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Have you had those mornings when you wake up to what seems like a wind storm in your own home. Words, attitudes, demands, complaints are being thrown at you in every direction. Time outs are being delivered before the first sip of coffee, engine lights come on days just days before you are making a road trip and the dog is barking his head off for whatever reason! Please tell me you know these days? I’m not the only one…right?

What do you do? Isn’t easy to just be blown with the wind? To just go with complaining, the crying? Or to fight back with your own wind storm in anger and frustration? Yes, I’ve tried this. But two wind storms don’t really help the situation. It just gets more windy. Shocker.

So I’ve learned to fight. But I fight by holding on. I picture myself in these moments holding on to a tree with all might. The wind blowing in every direction but I am holding firm to that tree, my anchor. And I pray. I pray for strength, peace and hope. For He is faithful.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

Hold on my friends. He is with you always. Especially in the wind storms. He hears your prayers. Just hold on. And get that coffee brewing ASAP!

Filed under: life as a mom


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Beautifully said Aubrey! I’ve had days like this and it’s hard not to react in ways that makes the enemy happy. I like how you put it…”holding firm to that tree, my anchor.” I also try to keep my focus on Jesus while the storm swirls around me, like Peter did when he walked on water. When he took his focus off of Jesus, he sunk.

    Btw, a stash of good dark chocolate helps too! lol So glad I found your blog through Twitter & Write It, Girl.

    In Christ,

  2. “But two wind storms don’t really help the situation. It just gets more windy. Shocker.” Thank you for putting this in perspective for me! This was my yesterday. I ruined it by being windy when I should have been calm. Loved, loved this post.

  3. Beautiful words today. I want to anchor myself in Christ so as not be moved by the wind. And thanks for reminding me to go brew my coffee! :)

  4. “So I’ve learned to fight. But I fight by holding on. ” I love that. That’s exactly what I have to do sometimes too. Sometimes the holding on is harder than the actual fighting. Sometimes the only way to beat it is to just hold on.

  5. Jenny Laughlin says

    You are such an encouragement. Your honesty, your life, the heart you speak, and the words from the WORD. I just love it. Thank you. Keep pressing on sister! God is so good!

  6. Oh I have ruined many of days by being windy my friend! Sometimes I am just a big old gust of wind on my own:) Thanks for your encouragement.

  7. Thanks for reading and commenting Laura! And dare I say it…I’m not a chocolate person. BUT I give me a spoon and a jar of peanut butter and I’m dangerous:)

  8. Helena Lautensleger says

    I love this Aub!!! I will be thinking of this tomorrow when my morning is getting crazy!!! Thanks for posting!!

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