a moent in real life
Daddy’s shoes.
Daddy’s shoes.
building a lego tower with a neighbor friend in bathing suits. sounds good to me.
colors on my desk that make me happy.
snowing?!? dear spring, why are you messing with us? please stop. sincerely, the barelas.
i’ve had this hookie deal from anthropologie forever and never really had a perfect place for it. until now… mine and the girls aprons are hanging so happily in our kitchen from it. yes, we are all happy:)
we are living in a wild jungle!
love this pic of our little guy doing his school work. it’s not always the easiest managing school and keeping the girls occupied but most days it is a joy to watch him learn . he gets so excited and always gives me BIG hugs when he learns some thing new. i love being his […]
we are in day 2 of round 2 of the flu and ice storm. i guess it’s a good time to have the flu since we can’t really get out of house safely. our days have been full of movies, wii, games, snacks, soup, motrin, thera flu (my new best friend) and naps. oh and […]
as you can see watching Mase play wii is pretty entertaining!
3 year olds strike again with mischievous acts. hundreds of foam shapes thrown all over the basement