All posts tagged: what I’m learning


Have you ever felt like you were just swimming through the many thoughts in your head? Whether big or small, heavy or light my mind can just get cluttered with a little bit of everything. This results in not being productive, indecisiveness and feeling distant with the present. Let alone the lack of energy because […]

a song i need to hear.

this is my new song. i play it multiple times a day. hoping to ingrain these truths into my head and heart. oh how i’ve needed this truth more and more lately. lies circling my attempts in making new friends, my attempts at teaching my children obedience and self control when i lack the same […]

ok i get it!

has it ever happened to you when you have the same message/theme repeated in your life in a short amount of time? and you think to yourself “ok, i get it!” well loud and clear i hear the message s  l  o  w down. in the last 48 hours i’ve come across 2 articles, had […]

open hands

i was challenged this week with  the posture i choose to live my life. i could choose to live with two tight fists coming together. nothing can get in. i am in control. “if i could just get the right job, the right house, the right car, another raise, if my kids would just get […]

wisdom beyond my years.

one of the many things i considered a blessing during our ohio stint was the opportunity to be a part of a women’s bible study at my parents church. it’s a smaller group of women whom the core of them have meeting for several years. there is a unique bond between them that i was […]

what are you saying???

confession: my fears get the best of me at times. my mind goes crazy and off on all kinds of “what if” scenarios. i have fears as a wife for my husband who travels frequently. fears as a mom for my kids. fears as a woman who is a work in progress and fails quite […]

fill ‘er up!

In my 5 1/2 years of being a mom I am happy to say there are a few things I have figured out. Not that I do these things well all of the time but it isn’t a point of confusion or mystery to me anymore. One of these things is how to help my […]

In my 5 1/2 years of being a mom I am happy to say there are a few things I have figured out. Not that I do these things well all of the time but it isn’t a point of confusion or mystery to me anymore. One of these things is how to help my […]

which path?

He will never lead you into a place that will not work toward accomplishing His purposes for you. I read this in my quiet time this morning. It jumped off the page and has stuck with me all day. I’ve been asking myself these questions in light of what I read. ~Am I letting Him […]

go. sit. listen.

tonight the kids prayed for/thanked God for: my Jesus my country my shower that no one would have boo boos that my sisters would pray to have Jesus in their heart like me for other people who know Jesus all over the world like Africa and North Carolina for our new house ok aside from […]