inspiration, life, life as a mom
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give thanks.


I can get lost in details of the day.

Meals to be planned, items to be bought, more lists to be made, playdates, rest times, computer times, clean-up times, chores, discipline, lost privileges, consequences, grace given, teaching little ones, growing with with them, learning along side them.

There is doubt these days in my parenting. In my everyday life. What am I doing? Is this the right way? The right timing? What would He have me do? I messed up, so what do I do now? Ahhhh. It gets a little much for me.

So I am choosing to camp out on this verse. A thankful heart has got to make a difference. It makes me think of the well read Ann Voskamps book 1000 Gifts. I do believe I am one of the only people left on Earth who has not read her book. It’s on my list this week to order from Amazon. Really it is. I know a thankful heart, making a choice to give thanks in all situations makes a difference. For His love endures, it lasts and outlasts my doubts and the lies. Even when its hard. Even in the mundane, mindless details of my day as a homemaker and mom. Yes, I love my “job”. And I am thankful for it. Wouldn’t choose to have it any other way. But I do forget sometimes this truth. It loses me. Bring it back. Bring. It. Back.

Give thanks. He is good. His love does, my friend. Endure forever.

Filed under: inspiration, life, life as a mom


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. I haven’t read it either 😉
    what great truth to cling to.. any day!

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