God sized dream
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God Sized Dreaming Again.


                                              (source: Pinterest)

So I’ve been on a little break on the dreaming thing. Life….you know…just kind of took over. It’s not that I wasn’t thinking or dreaming of what could be, what I would love to see in my heart of hearts with my dream, because I was. It’s always there. It just had been pushed to the side a bit. But I am bringing it forward again. So here we go…

Today’s Prompt: Find a way to pay it forward. You’ve been encouraged in your God-sized dreams by your sisters here the last few months. How can you spread that encouragement forward by investing in other dreamers? It can be small and simple or BIG and wild. Ask God what you can do and get creative. Then write a post about what you’re doing and link it up below.

A refresher if you will: My dream is to create a community of women to mutually encourage and motivate one another in their fitness goals, specifically running.

I have an amazing opportunity coming up real soon where I will get to encourage others in their dreams and it involves running and ministering to the poor and less fortunate. Two of my biggest passion combined in one! My church is building a team of individuals to run a half marathon while simultaneously raising money for clean water in Africa. We will be working with Team Word Vision whom I am very excited to partner with. I have been asked to co-lead this team! Yes, this is awesome! I will have the privilege of coaching and encouraging individuals to reach that 13.1 mile mark.

I believe that anyone can run be a runner, it’s just not something everyone wants to do. Put the motivation of changing kids lives in Africa for the better, well then I think you get a lot more people on board.

I love the feeling of encouraging someone in something they don’t think they can do but they do it anyways. I love watching someone work hard, give it all they got. Little by little they start to see what I see, that they CAN do it! I enjoy pushing someone further then they think they can and then the look of pride when they finish. I love speaking words of truth right into someones heart and mind. I believe you can learn some of the greatest lessons in life through the discipline of training in a sport. To see a life change not just in fitness goals but in bigger areas of life, that is what I call a win. I am excited to see lives transformed for the better. And to know that on top of all that lives on the other side of world will be changed too?! Well I don’t know if it can get any better.

I thankful to be in a part of God’s bigger plan and that He is gifting me the experience of what I know will be life changing for me as well.


Linking up with fellow dreamers today.

God sized dream team



Filed under: God sized dream


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.

1 Comment

  1. What an exciting opportunity for you! A stepping stone into even greater opportunities ahead! Blessings be multiplied to you as you bless others!

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