Source: viaMarilyn on Pinterest
God-sized Dream = A desire in your heart for more of what God has for you.
~Holley Gerth
It’s Tuesday…God-size Dreaming aloud day. You get to hear what I am thinking about this dreaming I am doing. You know the dream I shared several months ago about creating a place where I could encourage and motivate women in their fitness goals? Yep, that’s the one. That dream has started to take shape over in the (in)courage community groups where I have the privilege of co-leading an online group of women who are pursuing a healthy lifestyle. It has been exciting to walk with them on the variety of goals they are pursuing.
Late breaking news, another new twist to my dream is that I will be co-leading a Team World Vision running group at my church. We will be gathering new and old runners alike to train for a half marathon while raising money for World Vision. Hello! How cool is that? I am so very excited for this to start! If you are in Carmel and interested, let me know! Or click here to join!
Pursuing a dream can be fun, challenging, hard, scary and so exciting all at once. Maybe like God has you on an emotional roller coaster that you can’t get off of? Yes! This week we are challenged to think of what we need more of in our life and in turn probably also what we need less of in our life.
There are several things I can think of that I need more of:
Patience: When I clean up one spill of Cheerios to then turn around and clean up another spill in the exact same spot. Twins! They do that!
Sleep: I can always use more sleep. How am I supposed to fit all this stuff in one 24 hour period?
Peanut butter: I don’t think one can ever have enough peanut butter. Always room for more.
But I don’t think these really pertain to my goal.
Ok seriously, when it comes down to it the one thing that comes to mind is:
More focus, less busyness.
I am a busy body. I rarely sit still, my mind is always going and I am here and there and everywhere in a matter of 2 minutes. Some times this works to my advantage because I get a lot of stuff done. I am productive but at times the busyness is just for the sake of being busy. A little more focus could go a long way.
And if I dig a little deeper I see this:
more focus and less busyness can easily translate to more of HIM and less of ME
Oh yes, there it is. The nitty gritty.
Focus less on MYSELF and what I am doing and focus more on HIM and just being.
Yes, it does always seem to come back to less of me and more of Him. With obedience comes blessing. I am trusting that keeping my eyes on Him will result in Him using me in huge ways for His glory. Ways that I couldn’t imagine if I was on my own, going round and round in my little circles. Really all that happens is that I get dizzy.
So now it’s your turn…
What do you really want more of in your life? Will you dare to say it out loud? Hint: it probably means having less of something too {ex: more joy, less stress}.
~Holley Gerth
I think I would have to say the same, less me, more Him. I also wrote on having more courage and grace. I can be my hardest critic, especially when I mess up. I think I’m not only on the Dream Team with you but also in your (in)courage fitness group (I’ve joined but mostly lurk :). I thought your name looked familiar!
Alecia! I love how our lives our intersecting in several ways! I am excited to a part of the Dream Team and the (in)courage group with you:) Feel free show your face a little more on the (in)courage page a little more, we would love to hear from you!
I know what you mean about being your hardest critic is yourself. Yep, that’s me too. I guess that’s where the more of Him and less of us really comes into play.