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What’s In Store For Twenty Fourteen?


There it is. My word for 2014.

Trust God for BIG and small things. Trust Him with the next moment and the unknown. Trust Him of where He has me now and where He will take me. Trust Him for the scary, leaps for faith that I plan to take. Trust Him with the mundane but oh so important things like keeping clean clothes on my people and keeping them fed and fairly happy. TRUST. It entails a lot but I need this one word reminder that I can trust Him, so I will.

Other things that I am thinking about for this next year are things like:

I want to track how many miles I run this year. This is something I have never done before so I have no benchmark. I have no number in mind to reach, just to set out and track each run. I have a new running app called Strava. It’s a free, easy to use app that tracks distance, pace, GPS etc. I like it better than Map My Run and Nike Run which I’ve also used. Strava has challenges to join which is motivating to me. This month I joined the Run 100km (62 miles) in January. Just a little something to keep me going. Check it out and tell me what you think. If you join let me know, we can keep tabs on each other!

I would like to do a Half Ironman possibly this year. I say possibly because I know this is something I really want to do I just have a couple things to figure out. Like the fact I do not have a road bike or any of the gear and that all is costly. Also, I don’t know if this is the right time to train for such a race for our family. BUT I do work at a Triathlon store and get a pretty significant discount (major bonus) and have access to all kinds of knowledgable triathletes. Not to mention my Ironman brother that knows a thing or two. Also, I live in South Florida where the weather is always nice and I can train all year around. So maybe now is the time? Verdict is still out but the thought is on my radar. Just saying.

Every year I say I want to read more. I would love to say I am a well read person. Those that are, just impress me. Yes you, you impress me! I never set a goal though. I just say I want to do THAT and hope for the best. And… nothing happens. No surprise. So this year, I am hesitant to even say it aloud because then you all will know and you may keep me accountable (ugh), but the goal is to read 10 books in 2014. Stop laughing all you readers who do that in a month. I have to start somewhere and trust me this will be more challenging than running any number of miles this year!

I have even picked my first book, Tell Your Time by Amy Lynn Andrews. It’s a practical book about time management. Which leads me into my next thought of 2014; I want to be more purposeful with my time. I have a lot of roles and wear a lot of hats. I am a productive person but I want to grow in being more purposeful with my time in the roles that I lead. At times I can be a little haphazard in how I spend my time, I lose track of the big picture and what I have set out to do. I am praying that this book will help me in this area of my life. I’ll let you know.

And lastly I hope to be here on this space a little more. I love to share my/our life with you. I love to share what I am learning, the funny things of our family and what God is doing in spite of our craziness. I love to encourage and motivate others to try new things, trust God for BIG things and be themselves through it all. And I like to share the occasional Pinterest obsession I have because you know I just have to!

So there it is friends, a glance at my 2014! What’s on deck for you? I want to hear!

Filed under: life


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Love love love this share Aub!!! Excited for your 2014 my friend : )

    I have more goals to actually sit down and write out but here is my first one….
    Get my book series written this year. Yep…I didn’t just say one book which was a huge goal in and of itself…but God has shown me it will be a series. So the last few weeks I began building my outline and book visual and praying for God to speak to me and through me. This week I begin my writing…tonight actually. My goal is to write every Monday and Thursday evening for at least 30 minutes to an hour. I need to sit down and also write my goal as to when I want to have the first book of the series written, etc.

    I feel the draw to “read read read read” this year. I always love to read but I keep sensing that the Lord is drawing me deeper into study this year. So I love that you wrote a # of how many books you want to try to read. I don’t struggle with the desire to read but what happens to me is I start one book….then end up in another book….then another one opens…lol and before I know it, I’m trying to read four or five books at one time and then don’t set a goal for finishing them so often I don’t always get any of them “finished”.

    I can’t wait to hear more about your journey and I would love to share more of my goals with you. We can keep each other accountable đŸ˜‰

    My word for 2014 is “FULLNESS”.

  2. christie elkins says

    Yay! So excited about all your goals, and I may just jump in there and read “Tell Your Time” with ya! If you want to do a half-Ironman, I KNOW you can. Excited to see all that happens this year as you trust in His path for you!

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