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why I love him.

Happy 11th anniversary @aubs !!

Brian and I on our first date.  Oh my we look so young! Still love being right by his side.

Even after 11 years I see new things and understand my husband more and more. Little things that just make me think “yep, this is why I love you.”

This morning was one of those of those times.

He took Mason to his basketball league early this morning. Yes, it made Mason’s day but I know he was just as proud to have his little guy there by his side. He came home to two little girls excited about the outfits they had picked out for the day (not unlike every other day) and he joined right in their conversation about skirts and tights and purses. He listened to me talk about all the things we have going on this week, concerns I have about this and that and all he did was listen and encourage me that it would all work out. Simple, but exactly what I needed. Best of all as he was heading out the door to work he heard the annoying woodpecker that is destroying our trees in the backyard. So what does he do? Puts down his bag, goes back into the house and comes out with his BB gun. Just firing a couple warning shots he said to let the bird know who’s yard this is. Seeing my Southern California husband shooting a BB gun as goes off to work made my day.


I love him. Thankful he’s all mine.

Filed under: life


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. I have a guy like that too girl! Thankful right along with you! Praise GOD! :) ~ Blessings out, Amy

  2. Hi,

    I know I don’t know you, but after seeing you on a friends site and then visiting your site just once, I felt like I knew you. At least the type of person you are :) I like reading what you write, and thought it was time to say “hi” in (person?) writing. So – Hello! Nice to meet you :)


  3. Elizabeth, thank you so much for reading and commenting! I love getting comments, so you made my day! I appreciate your kind words. Hope to see you again!

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